We are retrofitting a 50-unit apartment building with energy-efficient heat pumps. Looking for a qualified contractor to design and install...
Our data center requires a cooling system upgrade to improve efficiency and prevent overheating. Seeking an experienced HVAC specialist for...
We are installing a ground-source heating system for a public park pavilion. Need an experienced contractor to design and implement...
We need a contractor to install high-precision cold storage rooms for sensitive pharmaceutical products. Must meet strict temperature control regulations.
We are opening a restaurant and need a full plumbing system installation, including kitchen sinks, grease traps, and bathrooms.
Our hospital requires an upgraded air filtration system in the surgical rooms to meet new health and safety regulations. Seeking...
Our mall’s HVAC system was partially damaged by a fire. Need an expert to assess, repair, and replace affected components.
Our freestanding fridge isn’t cooling well, but the freezer works. Might be a thermostat issue or refrigerant leak. Need a...